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Here is a draft shop description for the ebook "So, What Can AI Do Anyway" written by Stephen Lane and sold on Amazon:

Title: So, What Can AI Do Anyway? Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has moved from sci-fi fantasy to everyday reality, but how does it actually work and what is its true capabilities? In this insightful new book, renowned computer scientist Stephen Lane lifts the veil on AI and presents a clear guide for anyone seeking to understand this transformative technology.

So, What Can AI Do Anyway? unravels the complex inner workings of machine learning, neural networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and other key areas of AI innovation. Lane outlines real-world applications like self-driving cars, detecting disease, producing art, personalized recommendations, and more while also exploring current limitations.

Written for a broad readership and requiring no technical background, the book enables readers to gain a baseline understanding of what AI can and cannot achieve today. Lane empowers the everyday consumer, business executive, policymaker and more to evaluate AI claims critically and thoughtfully consider the ethical implications as the technology continues evolving rapidly.

Both an informative primer and practical resource for non-experts navigating our increasingly AI-driven world, So, What Can AI Do Anyway? delivers an illuminating survey of artificial intelligence by the renowned Stephen Lane. Get your copy today!

So, What Can AI Do Anyway

£6.99 Regular Price
£5.59Sale Price
  • This book will provide much of the knowledge and current information of where and how AI is impacting on and within business's and everyday life. DOWNLOAD it today.

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